For best results, so it is recommended to follow these steps:
1. Barber body and make sure you do not cut yourself. If you cut yourself, it leads to very dark stripes when the color is applied. It is recommended that you shave 1.5 to 2 weeks before the competition as the skin can react with to get the bumps and sores. If it is necessary then you can shave a second time right before the competition.
2. Scrub the body daily for the last 4-7 days before the competition. Feel free to use something to scrub with, but don't scrub so hard that you get ulcers. scrub especially carefully behind the knees, elbows, both in front and behind, and in the underarms. Do not forget to scrub your back.
3. Do not use moisturizers, perfumes and colognes 24 hours before tanningen to be applied. We often see that this can lead to discoloration (that one will be green in the skin etc)
4. We add first, a primer on konkurransedagen, after this has been dry so we add a darker layer. We continue to add on until the color is correct. It does not cost extra with multiple layers.
5. Rett før du skal på scenen så hjelper vi deg med å påføre «Glaze» dette er en type olje som får huden til å skinne. Dette skal fungere som en highlighter slik at vi får fremhevet musklene på best mulig måte.